Thursday, December 31, 2020


 又到了年末。有關2020年的爛我可能就不用多說了,我想大家有目共睹,辛苦了。 不過藉這久違的post,我想要回顧一下2020的美好。雖然少了幾次從高空鳥瞰地球的窗外景色,但在個人成長上這一年的確難能可貴。人到谷底總只能往上了!迎接2021年的我總算充滿了信心與感恩。 


2020. It it was it is. After hitting rock bottom, it can only go up they say. Feeling extremely grateful for everything that kept me pushing forward in 2020. Looking forward to an even better 2021. Happy New Year! 


Wednesday, November 13, 2019





Since I've been little, I always loved summertime in Taipei the most. The humid air, the sun burning from the sky and all that. Yep, I was that humidity loving freaky child. But lets be honest: the feeling of temperatures dropping after a long and humid summer is pleasure and sorrow at the same time. Ok, your body is not in the constant state of osmosis anymore, but grey skies and cool winds, just feel strange and depressing after a while. It feels like the high spirits of that hot sunny day just got blown away and leave behind this heavy feeling of reality saying "i've bet you thought you'd seen the last of me :P". 

I guess thats just the cycle of life, right? So here I tell myself (and you), listen to the Japanese playlist of mine, drink some tea and then stand up and face reality. The next summer is just around the corner! 

Below you'll find some photos I took this October in Taipei. Enjoy!