最近忙東忙西, 忙到連發文都好久沒發了,真是對不起大家!為了稍微隔離一下所有關於"未來"的事,我都把我這幾週的寶貴休閒時間花在研究一些關於北歐的事物上, 例如貝奧武夫,冰島之古老傳說等等。常常也會聽我最愛的Grimes的舊歌(專輯Halfaxa)放空。
前幾天, 閱讀了Zoe Suen的部落格之後,竟然發現把壓克力塗上你穿黑白的黑白照其實也是一件蠻療癒的事。我猜我後腦也如此偷偷在暗示我多買一些有顏色的衣服(但該事並不可能實現)....哈
Lately, a lot of things have been going on in life (cue 1 month plus blog hiatus; sorry for that) and it's that time of the year again where decisions need to be made, and things need to be sorted out (even though I didn't expect that time arriving so soon, lol).
Therefore, I tend to read a lot of stuff about Beowulf, Egil's Saga and Iceland or listen to Grimes old album Halifax - in the spare time that is left - just to calm down and get my mind on some other topics that are not related to anything that has to do with future, career, or duties. Well I can't really say what it is about Icelan or the hardly understandable language in Beowulf that is making me keen as mustard but it feels good and gives me back the focus I need.
For this post I got inspired by one of my favourite bloggers Zoe, who thought it was a good idea to use acrylic colours on B&W photos that show just another piece of your "black and white only" wardrobe. After all, I'm starting to think that my subconscious is attempting to persuade me to get some more colour into my closet...hah (not gonna happen).
Canon A-1 film camera with ISO 200 Black & White film
Nike Rooshe Run
DNA trousers
Tran long-sleeved top
Provided you are asking yourself why I called this post weregild, you may have a listen to the song that is linked below :-)
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